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Life is better with the Art

...Let's make your walls more attractive with the art...

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A hat, an armchair, and trees.

I fold my hat in a deep bow, like after a performance in the theater.
Welcome to my world, Labe welcomes you.

Dark colors, solitude and peace.

My work.    
       Artist, painter, actor, and writer.                          

You could call it that. Others would probably call it that way.
Well, I call it a fool, a madman, a hedonist.
Customers said:
  • Thank you very much for your beautiful pictures?
    We all like them very much and they beautify our home.
    Thank you
  • Thank you for the picture, did you like the dedication?
    Good luck with your painting. Nice weekend. Rasťo

  • We are very happy Nikol, the picture is beautiful, it has made it very cozy here.
There is hidden energy, artistry, and magical meaning in original pieces of art on your walls. 
They are a great addition to the walls of a luxurious home and will underline your connection with the symbolism they represent.
Klobúk, kreslo a samé stromy. 
Tmavé farby, samota a pokoj. 

Moja tvorba. Umelec, maliar, herec, po novom možno už aj spisovateľ.

Dalo by sa to tak nazvať. Ostatní by to tak možno pomenovali.

No ja to volám blázon, šialenec, pôžitkár.

Skladám klobúk v hlbokej poklone, ako po predstavení v divadle.
Vitajte v mojom svete, víta Vás Labe.
Skutočný umelec nie je ten, kto je inšpirovaný, ale ten, kto inšpiruje ostatných.
- Salvador Dalí
A valuable piece of an art. Adds a touch of a luxurious interior. The uniqueness of each of these artworks will put you at the peak of your value.
The luxury and value of each original work of art are what can support you on your way to your flourishing.
Obraz: Which way?

Poznáš svoj smer? Aká je tvoja cesta? Kám sa chceš vybrať a ktorým smerom chceš kráčať? Zastav sa, zhlboka sa nadýchni a vykroč tým tvojim správnym smerom.
Obraz: Humility

Napadlo vám niekedy, že nad nami je niečo väčšie ako my. Zdvihnite zrak a dajte svetu trochu pokory.
Art pictures and wall art will brighten up your interior and add a deeper meaning and artistic value to your precious kingdom that will remind you of the things you don't want to forget, that's your value.
Painting detail
Settle into your unique beloved space in the company of an original artwork by Nikol Labe and let the rich atmosphere flow.
Art is the best company you can have by your side.
Obraz: Green west

Zelený západ a krajiny zelenajuce sa krásou prírody. Príroda je to najkrajšie čo dokázeš vidieť očami a zároveň citiť. Vychutnaj si ju.

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14. July 2021
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